For persons 12 years and older (If you are underage (-18years) you will need a written authorisation from your parents or guardian)
From April 1st till October 31rd there are daily lessons.
The lessons depend on the weather conditions. Steve Verelst will contact you to agree on the conditions and find the most suitable moment to give the lesson.
Side Shore Surfers, De Panne.
You will find the club on the beach close to
Vuurtorenplein, Zeedijk 109
Our course can be given in Dutch, French or English.
All package courses inculde the official IKO kitesurf pass.
It is also possible to take the 1st and 2nd lesson consecutively. This is only possible for step 1 and 2 and depends on the weather conditions. This can be agreed on when booking the course.
Only the performed hours will be charged. If a lesson is cancelled due to changed weather conditions you will get a refund.